Kamis, 22 April 2010

Gary Iskak Choose Facilitate Richa Novisha, Ima Risma Disappointed

Gary Iskak had been present before the public showing off his baby relationship his love results with Richa Novisha, Thursday (22/04/2010) afternoon. But at the same time, other women who also have child from Gary, Ima Risma still struggling to keep her daughter recognized as children of movie stars 'D'Bijis' it.

Demands the recognition of Gary's trial on child Risma still kept rolling in the Tangerang District Court today. Risma continue to hope Gary comes to court and admitted his daughter, Rabiya, as the fruit of his love. But Gary did not come to court Thursday (22/04/2010).

Only, according Risma, Gary had met her daughter, at birthdays Rabiya 18 April 2010. At that time, Gary had promised her parents will complete Rabiya legal recognition as a child.

"Only one step farther Gary just come to trial and facing the judges. But there is no proof of his promise. I have time to phone and SMS no answer," said Risma when found at the Tangerang District Court, Way, TMP, Midshipman, Tangerang, Banten, Thursday ( 22/04/2010).

Gary could not be present in court because the more chose to hold a joint press conference with Richa, who had just given birth, at a hospital in Bogor. Risma confessed to never having been told by Gary about his press conference with Richa. She just knew it from the media.

Risma disappointed because she previously had begged Gary to come to court to face a judge and admitted Rabiya as a child. "Before the press conference I've let know him ahead of time, before he came into my child's birthday, two weeks before. Just come just what's difficult," she said.

Risma disappointed with the length of Rabiya the recognition process as a fruit of love Gary in the eyes of the law. She confessed complicated by the absence of Gary to the court.

"My point yesterday was glad Gary come to birthday Rabiya’s and can cooperate. But suddenly inversely proportional to 100 degrees, he did not come," pissed off again.

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